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Plant Nanny !(iPhone, Android, WP8)

Updated: Dec 1, 2020

fea0834880 Plant Nanny adalah aplikasi yang dapat diakses melalui iphone, android dan windows phone. Isinya adalah aplikasi seperti virtual pet dalam .... The latest Tweets from Plant Nanny (@nanny_plant). Instal now in iPhone , Android and Windows phone.. Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Plant Nanny. Download Plant Nanny and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and .... ... 3DS · PS Vita · Windows Phone · Kindle · OnLive · Xperia Play · Windows 8 · Ouya · Apple Watch ... Free iPhone and iPad games: Duck & Roll, Plant Nanny ... Every time you have a drink in real life, your in-game plant of choice is watered. ... Unreal-powered Real Boxing game now available on Android.. 留言「我想要2 號太空植物」來幫我們做這個艱難的抉擇吧>:o 現在下載Plant Nanny 吧~ iOS: Android: Windows Phone: .... Eine Pflanze, die in eurem iPhone, Android oder Windows Phone lebt, wächst und gedeiht. Mit jedem Glas Wasser, das ihr trinkt, gießt ihr eure .... São diversos aplicativos para iOS que cuidarão do seu corpo e mente. ... Plant Nanny é um aplicativo para Android, iOS e Windows Phone cujo objetivo é .... Since the introduction of the first iPhone in 2007, smartphones have become ... 1“Plant Nanny” by Fourdesire, available for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.. 希望你以后不要再等到口渴再喝水啦~你不喝水,也要考虑小植物的感受哦。 Plant Nanny 适用于Android 4.0+、Windows Phone 8+、iOS 6.1+ 设备 .... Plant Nanny combines health with fun to remind you to drink water regularly. ... In order to keep it alive and help it grow, you must give it water at certain periods of time. Features: - Various cute and lovely plants - Different kinds of flowerpots - All kinds of common cups for .... Popular iOS and Android app Plant Nanny, which was an iTunes App Store Best of 2013 winner, has made its way to Windows Phone. The app .... Plant Nanny é um aplicativo para Android, iOS e Windows Phone cujo objetivo é lembrar o usuário de beber água frequentemente. Com.... „Plant Nanny“ gibt es für iOS, Android und Windows Phone. Die App ist kostenlos, wer will, kann aber Blumentöpfe und anderen .... iOS 7.0 or later, Android, and Windows Phone. WWAC Writer, Kate Tanski, recently turned me on to the app Plant Nanny (which WWAC writer Kat .... Скриншоты. Видео. Drink Water App Iphone and Android | Plant Nanny App. Plant Nanny for iOS [iPhone | iPad | iPod Touch] (First Look | Review | Test) .... Plant Nanny is available for both iOS and Android ecosystems. Be Sociable, Share This!. 结合健康和游戏让可爱的植物伴随着我们度过每一天! 中文名: 植物保姆; 原版名称: Plant Nanny. 游戏类型: 休闲娱乐; 游戏平台: iOS、Windows Phone、Android .... Plant Nanny is an app (available for iOS, Android and Windows Phone) that combines health with fun to remind you to drink water regularly.. 「Plant Nanny 植物保姆」是一款能夠定時提醒你去喝水的可愛程式,當你喝下一杯水 ... 系統支援:iOS 6.1 以上/ Android 4.0 以上/ Windows Phone 8 .... If you use Plant Nanny in iOS, you can start by going to "Menu> Settings> Sync to iCloud" to back up your game data. If you have never used this feature before, ...

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